
Perforated FR reflective tape

  • 2023-01-03

Perforated FR reflective tape: Actually this is not a new product but now becomes very popular especially in FR garments industry because it's breathable. It has two different ways to punch the holes and many customers don't know why the cost is so high compared with other types. Today I will explain it in details.

1) For perforated one with sewing edges on each side: firstly, we cut the 110cm wide reflective fabric into 5cm wide, then we do the perforated onto the 5cm wide reflective tape. In this way, the manufacturing cost is high. Take for an example, if one hour we can do 100m perforated, then we can only do 100m perforated by using this kind punching way.

2) For the perforated one without sewing edges on each side: we firstly do the perforated on 110cm wide reflective fabric, then cut the 110cm perforated reflective fabric into 5cm width perforated reflective tape secondly. In this way, our manufacturing cost saves much. For example, if one hour we can do 100m perforated, then we can do 110cm wide perforated reflective fabric. Then we just cut them into 5cm wide, and we can do 2200 meters 5cm perforated reflective tape (110/5cm*100). However, if doing this, some customers think it looks not very beautiful. Anyway, it is depended on customers' requirements. Hope this kind will be workable for you.

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