
The application and characteristics of reflective fabrics

  • 2023-05-06
Reflective fabric is a high-tech product that is widely used in traffic safety equipment, film, protective clothing, work clothes, uniforms, etc., which are closely related to the safety of human life and property. This kind of reflective fabric is made by using the principle of retro-reflective glass beads with high refractive index and advanced technology of post-focusing treatment. It can reflect the distant direct light back to the luminous place, and it has good retroreflective optical performance no matter in night or day. Especially at night, it can exert the same high visibility as during the day. Its appearance has successfully solved the night driving problem of "being seen" and "seeing". The work clothes made of this high-visibility reflective fabric can be used no matter under the interference of light or scattered light, or in the case of remote places. , can be easily spotted by night drivers. After mastering its principle and application, let's understand its characteristics together.

Durability: light fabric has good wear resistance, aging resistance and wash resistance. It can be dry-cleaned or washed, and it is not easy to fall off. After continuous washing, it can still maintain more than 75% of the original reflective effect.

Diversity: Reflective fabrics are equipped with reflective thermal film, reflective fabric, reflective character adhesive film, reflective ink, reflective plastic film, reflective drawing film and other products in order to match the uses and characteristics of various other products, which is convenient for users various options.

Wide-angle: Reflective fabrics are not only better than similar products of other brands in terms of reflective effect, but also have wide-angle properties, that is, good reflective effects can still be obtained when light is incident at a large angle to the surface of the reflective fabric.

Reflectiveness: The reflective brightness of reflective fabrics is very good. For example, the typical reflective intensity of silver-gray series products is 500CPL, and the typical reflective intensity of white and fluorescent yellow reflective plastic films is 700CPL. Effective, most reliable personal security.

Extensibility and flexibility: reflective fabrics have a wide range of applications, and can be used in safety belts and vests, sportswear, coats, work clothes, raincoats, backpacks, shoes and hats, gloves, etc., and can also cut characters or silk screen trademarks and patterns. In addition, the reflective film series can also be directly attached to the surface of leather or cloth.
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