

A guardian angel in safety vest saved lives and the EM

A guardian angel in safety vest saved lives and the EM

  • 2023-12-04

Salim Toorabally in safety vest says that he had only done his job. Had he not done so, probably many people would have died and been canceled the EM. The folder was in November the hero of Paris.

The service, which changed his life, began to Salim Toorabally at 16 o’clock. Around noon there was on that November 13, 2015 a bomb threat against the hotel of the German national team in Paris, Toorabally had heard on the radio. A false alarm.

Even otherwise ran the service for the folder at the Stade de France in Paris this Friday once quiet. 80,000 spectators were expected, the staff was preparing itself. Routine. Nothing indicated that Toorabally soon, namely should be countless lives ahead of the kick-off of the friendly match between France and the German team, from simple stadium stewards to rescuers. The man, originally from Mauritius, has even saved the European Football Championship in France.

It took five days to the 43-year-old his prowess itself was even aware of. Three bomb blasts there had been directly at the Stade de France, tens of thousands of terrified fans, more terrorist attacks in the city. Paris was in shock. Then Monsieur Toorabally was shown by the police several photos of holy warriors who had killed a total of 130 people with. He immediately recognized the man who previously wanted to slip through the turnstile at the entrance L on Friday without a ticket. His input.

“I did my job, nothing more”

Toorabally stopped him. Bilal Hadfi, the youngest of the Paris-bomber blew up a little later at an intersection next to the stadium in the air, instead of the grandstand destroyed the terrorist only a little asphalt. “I did my job,” says Toorabally than meets him the “Welt am Sonntag” on a sunny afternoon in Paris, “nothing more.”

This is partly correct: check cards Browse backpacks, disoriented visitors lead the way – all that is in the job profile of the nearly 1,000 folders that work the Stade de France. On the other hand Salim Toorabally is a special folder as work to rule is more that evening. Had the bomb at the stadium and did not explode before that, the European would hardly have occurred.

Although the attack was thwarted and was not a single fan to damage, called for politicians the cancellation. They want the terrorists even more “soft targets” offer than it already. Football icon Just Fontaine spoke out several times in favor of discharge the EM in another country. But it will be played as scheduled. With one difference: The tournament takes place in a high-security wing.

The Uefa, which hosted the tournament, doubled their security budget, she bought drones and surveillance technology, they also increased the number of police officers with reflective vest and folders from the arenas. The French government extended the state of emergency until about the final addition to detain terror suspects more quickly, the US government warns Americans explicitly before visiting France. European Championship matches behind closed doors are a realistic scenario, the Interpol chief was in advance in demand as a coach and player. Never before in the history of football the concerns of an attack were larger and more concrete than now.

In “Events” the images come in the head high again

“In the stadiums, the audience will be safe,” says Toorabally and stretched his back through. It sounds like a promise. He also knows how lucky he and the 80,000 spectators at the Stade de France had then.

If he passes today at the fast food restaurant, in front of which Hadfi blew when he drinks a coffee in the “Events”, before the crack another terrorist with his bomb belt and a passer-by to death, the images come into his head high again. As the terrorist with the shy glance tried crowded to the front man to reach the stadium grounds.

As Toorabally, who had previously admitted thousands cheerful Schlachtenbummler, attentive, because the man did not respond at first, as he spoke to him. Eventually, he held him with his left arm at the shoulder, asked him his ticket. “He said his friend was already in the stadium,” reports the folder: “The have the tickets he wanted to pick them up and come back later to show off it..” A cheap trick zigfach applied at major events every weekend. But this time it comes as evidenced later, life and death.

Toorabally not believe the story of the friend with the ticket and sends the visitor with reflective tape away. While Bilal Hadfi goes, but it differs only a few meters back. For several minutes he stalks up and down in front of the input L. Toorabally informed about radio first his colleagues that someone trying to get into the stadium without a ticket, and later the police. By the time the game is already under way. Many folders whose inputs are closed during the game, follow the game on small speakers. Their work begins only after the final whistle again. Even the stubborn visitors without a ticket is part of their routine. The ends at 21:17.

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